Welcome to the Individual Differences in Language Skills (IDLaS-NL) Test Battery!

On this site you can create an individual version of the IDLaS-NL test battery. On the following pages you can select which tests to include in your study. You can determine in how many sessions the tests should be divided and what the order of tests within the sessions should be.

Study key
After creating your personal IDLaS-NL version, you will receive a 'study key'. This key is associated with your selection of tests and their order. Your participants must enter the study key at the beginning of each session so that all test results are associated with your study. Thus, you must share the study key with your participants.

Researcher key
You will also receive a 'researcher key'. This key is for researchers only. So DO NOT share the researcher key with your participants. You need the researcher key to review a test selection and to retrieve the test results.

Test administration
All tests are performed in an Electron application. This application contains a browser and aims at standardizing the test administration among participants on the computer of the participants. At the end of the registration process, you will receive a link with which your participants can download the Windows or Mac version of the Electron program. This is a “stand-alone” application that can be run immediately after downloading (i.e., no separate installation procedure is required). The program can simply be moved to the trash after taking part in the study. In addition to the download link and the study key, each participant needs a unique personal identifier. This could be an ID that you send to the subject (e.g. part01) or something the participant makes up themselves (no personal information!).

Please enter the email address you would like to use to register your individual IDLaS-NL version:

Type in the name of the city where the MPI for Psycholinguistics is located (to verify that you are a human and not a machine):

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